What are woodchucks? — Therese’s student essay

What Are Woodchucks? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood! We have all heard of woodchucks from the common tongue twister, but what are woodchucks? The answer is in the tradition originating in Pennsylvania […]
Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in the U.S. — Ezra’s student essay

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in The U.S Mosquitos: One of America’s Deadliest Threats In the U.S., as of August 2019, the West Nile virus was the most common mosquito-borne disease, followed by malaria and dengue (CDC). Mosquitos are vectors which means that they can spread diseases between animals and humans. Infections like those listed above are […]
Do stink bugs actually stink? — Ricae’s student essay
Do Stink Bugs Actually Stink? The stink bug gained its name from its ability to emit an odor. The stink bug reflects energy exchange. It will put out a terrible scent when threatened, to save itself from becoming a snack. Adults stink bugs are about three-quarters of an inch, and in color are brown, gray, […]
Which spiders in the U.S. are venomous? — Shianne’s student essay
Which Spiders in The U.S Are Venomous? Spiders are one of the most known species of arthropods. They are almost seen everywhere and more people are familiar with how it looks. There are over 45,000 known species of spiders in existence and they have the unmistakable physical features of eight legs and fangs in their […]
Which spiders in the U.S. are venomous? — Sage’s student essay
Which Spiders in The U.S Are Venomous? Although not all spiders are poisonous, most spiders that roam the earth are venomous. Some spiders can give a harmful, pain filling bite but are not considered to be deadly. Of the 3,000 spider species that are in the United States, the top three venomous spiders include the […]
Can fleas pass from pets to humans? — Jacob’s student essay
Can Fleas Pass From Pets To Humans? Can fleas pass from pets to humans? Unfortunately the answer to that question is yes. While having a pet in the home is a wonderful blessing and these cuties can bring much joy, love and happiness to your home. They can also bring fleas that they can share […]
Where bed bugs hide in the home — Tiosha’s student essay
Where Bed Bugs Hide In The Home? Bed Bugs are small , brownish oval shaped insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals , but in some ways bed bugs are different for example , adult bed bugs have flat bodies , after they feed on our blood , they become swollen and […]
Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Su Yeon (Joy)’s student essay
Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Imagine a world without honey and colorful fields covered with aromatic flowers and majestic trees. That is what we would have to live with if it weren’t for the help of bees. To be exact, there is more that bees contribute to our environment than what a lot […]
What are woodchucks? — Kayla’s student essay
What Are Woodchucks? Woodchucks, also known as Marmota monax or groundhogs, are found throughout most of southern Canada and the eastern U.S. (Mass Aubudon). They are a part of the squirrel family, meaning they are also related to chipmunks, prairie dogs, and marmots (Rajewski, 2019). These woodchucks have rather short legs, with their bodies from […]
Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in the U.S. — Joshua’s student essay
Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in The U.S There are a few major mosquito-borne illnesses that plague Americans to this day. These diseases can be especially dangerous because anyone can be bitten by mosquitoes and any mosquito can carry one of these deadly diseases. Improved cleanliness and an increased standard of living have both lessened the effects […]