Why ticks are so dangerous to humans and pets — Kevin’s student essay

Tick - parasitic arachnid blood-sucking carrier of various disea

Why Ticks Are So Dangerous To Humans And Pets? As the world finally begins to open back up, people are going outside for the first time in months. Without a doubt, this is an amazing feeling for everyone all around the world. That being said, though it can still be seen as a moment to […]

How to keep deer from eating your flowers — Brian’s student essay

How To Keep Deer From Eating Your Flowers When it comes to growing that perfect flower garden, there are many obstacles that can get in the way. One of which is deer digging into your flowers like it’s a buffet of sweet treats. Deer can wreak havoc on a flower bed, completely ruining your chances […]

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in the U.S. — Charles’s student essay

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in The U.S Growing up in the South Carolina, I never looked at mosquitoes as more than a nuisance. I lived near the coast and was constantly surrounded by standing water and mosquitoes. They were slightly annoying, but I quickly learned to ignore them. I really didn’t think much about them until […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Tasneem ‘s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? The smallest flash of black and yellow on a hot, summer day can send a person running, often with a scream, for safety. The irony in the fear that many people feel towards these fingernail-sized insects can almost be seen as humorous, especially considering how grossly unaffected bees […]

Signs of raccoons terrorizing your home — Torre ‘s student essay


Signs of Raccoons Terrorizing Your Home I chose the topic of “signs of raccoons terrorizing your home” because I have had quite a few experiences with ornery creatures. I live on a small acreage in Thornton Colorado which has been the home to many animals over the years: foxes, owls, hawks, skunks, squirrels, rabbits, coyotes, […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Edgar ‘s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? “Pollinators are essential and irreplaceable creatures that unknowingly sustain all life on Earth. In many cases, the existence and continuation of certain species of fruits rely solely upon the jobs of pollinators. One of the most widely used and vital pollinators is bees. The bee is the most […]

Why ticks are so dangerous to humans and pets — Candace’s student essay

Tick - parasitic arachnid blood-sucking carrier of various disea

Why Ticks Are So Dangerous To Humans And Pets? After a hike through a forest or a walk through a field, it isn’t uncommon to find a little bug leeched onto your skin. These are ticks. They latch onto you and suck your blood, oftentimes embedding themselves into your skin. They are parasitic arachnids (Monroe). […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Ashley’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Most people are not overly fond of bees because they are not a fan of being stung by one. However, there is more to a bee’s existence than stinging you and your loved ones. A bee, or an Anthophila, is a flying insect that is classified as an […]

How to get rid of woodpeckers — Jonathan’s student essay

Pileated Woodpecker Portrait

How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers? Its nice to wakeup to the sound of birds, unless those birds are woodpeckers. You are most likely to hear woodpeckers in the spring, during their mating season. Between their incessant tapping and tendency to damage property, they must be removed if found on property. These birds are protected […]

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in the U.S. — Anahi’s student essay

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in The U.S A human’s ear can hear the faint buzzing of a mosquito as the mosquito approaches the human’s skin, landing onto it delicately and causing a slight pain to the human as it inserts its needle-like mouthparts into the skin and begins consuming the blood that lays under it. Undeniably, […]