What are woodchucks? — Hannah’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? The answer, 700 pounds. Unfortunately, woodchucks, more commonly known as groundhogs, do not chuck wood. Woodchucks are very famous for their burrowing skills. That is how biologist estimated that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, it would be […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Igor’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? A lot of people misunderstand the effect of a bee and its impact in our world. It is commonly known that bees help pollinate flowers in order make them reproduce. But bees have a way more complex and important whole in the world than just pollinating flowers.  What […]

Are daddy long leg spiders poisonous? — Alexander’s student essay

Common daddy-longlegs

Are Daddy Long Leg Spiders Poisonous? Behold! It is a Daddy Long Legs Spider Now, dear readers, I was walking from my dorm room into the bathroom of my university hall and behold! A spider was standing on its long legs and, staring firmly at me with its two eyes and ready to jump and […]

How to remove fruit flies from your kitchen — Caylie’s student essay

How To Remove Fruit Flies From Your Kitchen? How Do You Remove Fruit Flies From Your Kitchen? “Adults are about 1/8 inch long and usually have red eyes” (Fruit Flies). No, not your neighbor, fruit flies! These pests are usually harmless nuisances, but they have the potential to lay their eggs in rotting food. These […]

Do stink bugs actually stink? — Carly’s student essay

Do Stink Bugs Actually Stink? Brown marmorated stink bugs, or halyomorpha halys, first came to the United States of America in 1998 from South Asia. Ever since, they’ve been common household pests – but the question is, do they live up to their name? The answer is slightly complicated. If you leave them alone and […]

Which insects eat clothes? — Samuel’s student essay

Which Insects Eat Clothes? Insects have lived side by side with humans for centuries, and with more than 200 million of them for every human, everyone is guaranteed to interact with them at some point. A common point of interaction involves clothing and insects chewing holes into them, a famous case of this is when […]

What are woodchucks? — Cecilia’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? Most children in America grow up listening to the famous tongue twister “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck … ” by Mother Goose. Many children, like myself, failed to make their way through those four simple lines. Despite how common the famous poem is, woodchucks are more commonly known as groundhogs, […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Andrea’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? The vast majority of plant species rely on pollinators such as bees to reproduce. Bees are such fascinating and interesting creatures who play a vital role in our ecosystem. Although most people believe that bees are only useful for pollination, there are various important occupations bees play in […]

How to remove fruit flies from your kitchen — Madison’s student essay

How To Remove Fruit Flies From Your Kitchen? Fruit Flies are pesky little bugs that easily sneak into peoples kitchens and drive them up a wall. Many people have tried multiple ways to get rid of them, but no matter what you do, they keep on coming back. There are some precautions that can be […]