What’s the difference between yellow jackets and Wasps? — Deborah’s student essay

What’s The Difference Between Yellow Jackets and wasps? All yellowjackets are wasps, plain and simple, but the insinuation of this question is that there’s a difference. All wasps are not yellowjackets; there are hundreds of thousands of species of wasps, and the yellowjacket—usually Vespula germanica—is only one of them. Wasps are classified in two categories: […]

What are woodchucks? — Kelli’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? It’s one of the best tongue twisters of all time and a perpetual question that rarely has an answer. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? One might start by asking what in the world is a woodchuck? Unfortunately, it’s not a miniature lumberjack but a […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Kaitlin’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Have you ever been sitting outside, quietly taking in the world around you, and a bee buzzes right by and startles you? Maybe it was interested in the food you were eating or maybe it simply flew by, but the feeling of fear that suddenly rushed into you […]

What are woodchucks? — Brittany’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Since a young age, we have heard this nursery rhyme over and over again. But what is a woodchuck? Does a woodchuck actually chuck wood? The answer is actually no. “Woodchucks”, along with “whistle-pig”, are just other names for […]

How to remove fruit flies from your kitchen — Benjamin’s student essay

How To Remove Fruit Flies From Your Kitchen? It’s a lovely summer evening with you and your family gathered around the kitchen table for dinner. Hearing a buzzing sound, you look down, and sure enough, there is a fruit fly on your once desirable meal. These small flies are attracted to fermenting fruits and vegetables.  […]

Where bed bugs hide in the home — Jayme’s student essay

Where Bed Bugs Hide In The Home? BEDBUGS: HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT Bed bugs have been and continue to be a common pest that plagues everyone, everywhere in the world. A single female bed bug can fully mature within 37 days and reproduce roughly up to 500 eggs during her up to one-year lifecycle, depending […]

Signs of raccoons terrorizing your home — Brianna’s student essay


Signs of Raccoons Terrorizing Your Home Bad Bandit: How to Spot a Raccoon Infestation Not long ago, a video went viral of a raccoon washing cotton candy in a puddle of water only to watch it disappear before its eyes. Many people were quick to sympathize, with comments ranging from how devastated and befuddled it […]

Which scents keep mosquitoes away from your home — Crystal’s student essay

Closeup on traditional mosquito repellent coil emit smoke to repel mosquito outdoor

Which Scents Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Home? Mosquitos are annoying little creatures that can cause terrible, itchy bites. I don’t know one person who likes them. However, they are more than pesky, they can cause infections, sometimes serious, even transmit deadly diseases. So, thinking about scents that keep them away from our homes is […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Quetzalli’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Bees are flying insects that collect nectar and pollen. They are members of the Apidae family, for which there are possibly 20 thousand species of different types of bees. While some make honey, others cannot. Similarly, some bees can sting and some cannot.  Honeybees, also known as Apis […]