How to keep deer from eating your flowers — Christian’s student essay

How To Keep Deer From Eating Your Flowers Throughout the United States, deer are feeding on residential gardens and flowers. This may not seem like a problem at first, but after your hard work and money goes to waste you will see their destructive nature. There are several ways to repel deer away from your […]

What are woodchucks? — Kenneth Spencer’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? “I am still learning” I need to clarify that I didn’t know about what I was going to write about because I didn’t know anything about these topics but fortunately my parents have taught me to investigate and don’t stay with questions. When I saw “What are woodchucks” it caught my attention […]

How to remove fruit flies from your kitchen — Meghan’s student essay

How To Remove Fruit Flies From Your Kitchen? Swat! Swat! Swat! “Why are there so many!?” you whine as the continuous amount of fruit flies infest your kitchen. Thinking of a solution, you mindlessly ask, “How do I get rid of them? What household remedies could I use?” Think no longer! There are a variety […]

Which scents keep mosquitoes away from your home — Allisyn’s student essay

Closeup on traditional mosquito repellent coil emit smoke to repel mosquito outdoor

Which Scents Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Home? There are multiple scents that keep blood sucking mosquitoes away from a person’s home. Five of the scents are citronella, peppermint, basil, garlic, and lemon balm. Citronella oil comes from a lemongrass plant. This oil is commonly put into candles and tiki torches that are lit outside. […]

Are Garter Snakes dangerous? — Hudson’s student essay

A garter snake slithering and peeking up through a lush lawn of bright green grass in the summer.

Are Garter Snakes Dangerous? Most people have a wrong understanding of most snakes in our country. What people do not realize is that many snakes have a very positive effect on our environment. What my generation needs to do moving forward is ask these questions when coming in contact with a snake, Does it have […]

Where bed bugs hide in the home — Vanessa’s student essay

Where Bed Bugs Hide In The Home? Bed bugs are insects that feed on human blood, usually during the night. Adult bed bugs are generally the size of an apple seed, reddish-brown, and oval-shaped. Young bed bugs (Nymphs) are smaller than adults and a mix of white and yellow. Many individuals think that they are […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Kelly’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Imagine this: You wake up in the morning and pour yourself a hot cup of French vanilla coffee, you make some waffles topped with sweet strawberries and honey. You then sit down and enjoy your meal without giving much thought of how the food in front of you […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Ramsha’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? When you see a bee fly across you, what is your immediate reaction? Do you start swatting your hand to get rid of it? Do you run away fast hoping it does not follow you? Or do you stand there still, and allow yourself to calm down, and […]

What is the biggest bug in the U.S.? — Maria’s student essay

Water Bug in Thailand market

What Is The Biggest Bug In The U.S.? The biggest bug in the U.S is the Belostomatidae also known as the giant water bug. This water bug tends to grow up to 4 inches long throughout its lifetime. The water bug’s home is usually in lakes and ponds throughout the whole U.S and they have […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Raven’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Buzzz… Buzzzz…. This sound is probably familiar to anyone who has ever been outside in the summertime. This is the sound of bees! We’ve all seen the bee movie. Bees play a part in the pollination system of the ecosystem. However, what do we really know about bees? […]