What are woodchucks? — Jemima’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? Woodchuck is also known as the Groundhog, they feed on vegetable gardens, lawns, plants, and other landscaping. They also cause extensive damage to lawns as they burrow underneath them. Woodchucks have the ability to bite and scratch if they are threatened, they rarely bite. Woodchucks are not considered dangerous to people, they […]

Are Garter Snakes dangerous? — Jessica’s student essay

A garter snake slithering and peeking up through a lush lawn of bright green grass in the summer.

Are Garter Snakes Dangerous? Garter snakes can be found throughout North America belonging to several species and some with unique colors and patterns. The garter snake is common in many states in the United States. For example, in California one can sight the Western Terrestrial Garter snake in its uniform black, brown, red or gray […]

Are daddy long leg spiders poisonous? — Rianna’s student essay

Common daddy-longlegs

Are Daddy Long Leg Spiders Poisonous? I have chosen to tackle the question ” Are daddy long leg spiders poisonous?” To ensure I am answering this question correctly, I will briefly explain the difference between an animal being poisonous versus being venomous. According to “Britannica,” they describe the difference to be “the term ‘venomous’ is […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Celia’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Bees are essential to the survival of the human race, without them, we would not survive. This statement may seem extreme, but the value of bees cannot be understated. The flying, buzzing, and stinging infamy of bees are more than just another insect, they are the workers that […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Bilal’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? To understand how much we need bees, let us imagine life if bees did not exist. Life would be drastically different. Many plants and animals would die, and life will be less colorful and less exciting. Bees play a major role in the ecosystem as they serve as […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Elise’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? An ecosystem is composed of living organisms interacting with their physical environment. This is a flexible definition; it can be focused down onto a single area with its plants and animals or expanded to include the entire planet. Any ecosystem has several factors that determine their health, this […]

Do stink bugs actually stink? — Andrea’s student essay

Do Stink Bugs Actually Stink? Stink bugs are insects that are large oval or shield-shaped, members of the Hemiptera order in the Pentatomidae family. They get their name from an odor of a chemical that they produce, in glands on their abdomen, thought to possibly defend against predators. Some species of stink bugs can even […]

Where bed bugs hide in the home — Allison’s student essay

Where Bed Bugs Hide In The Home? Skur skur, the sounds of an unknown monster laying underneath a child unable to rest play throughout the night. Skur skur, the slight noises continue as the monsters travel throughout the mattress. Little does the troubled child laying amidst the covers know that the monsters have infected the […]

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in the U.S. — Connor’s student essay

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in The U.S The Dangerous Mosquito and its Bloodsucking Desire Dangerous, life-threatening bugs storm through the skies. They patiently wait, lurk and grasp onto their prey. The Mosquito might be a small creature but its bloodsucking bite is no minute affair. They not only cause a wretched itching sensation on the bitten […]