What are woodchucks? — Jacobi’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? Woodchucks, groundhogs, and whistle pigs. You might have grown up hearing large, furry rodents called any or all of these names, and maybe you have even had the pleasure of seeing them up close. But what exactly are they? What do they eat? Are they aggressive? Where all can you find them? […]

Opossum vs. possum — Isabella’s student essay

Close up portrait common brushtail possum,native animal wildlife marsupial in Australia

Opossum Vs. Possum The opossum, or previously known as the aposuom by American settlers and natives, resides in Northern America. Of the order Didelphimorphia, this furry marsupial has a white face and a grayish white body. The hair stops at the tail though, where it lacks the fuzz and instead opts for something more akin […]

Are millipedes poisonous? — Molly’s student essay

Millipede head

Are Millipedes Poisonous? No, millipedes are not poisonous. But their look-alike’s, centipedes, are. Millipedes can be a confusing bug. Maybe that’s because nobody wants to get close enough to look at them! But they have a worse reputation than they deserve because of their resemblance to their cousins, the centipedes. Actually, the two are quite […]

Do flies really vomit on food when they land? — Velvet’s student essay

Flies are eating rotten fruit on the ground.

Do Flies Really Vomit on Food When They Land? The common housefly is a very common insect that most people tend to just swat away with the back of their hand when they see one. However, flies are actually more dangerous than one would think. They carry many diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, […]

Do flies really vomit on food when they land? — Veronica’s student essay

Flies are eating rotten fruit on the ground.

Do Flies Really Vomit on Food When They Land? Fly Etiquette Flies are quite interesting critters. They are always spotted next to a smelly item and seen by people when they are near their meals. They are almost always first heard by their irritable bzzz noise before they are seen, and when they are spotted […]

Where bed bugs hide in the home — Isaac’s student essay

Where Bed Bugs Hide In The Home? This is a topic which is very personal to myself and my wife. While living in Texas we ended up with bedbugs in our apartment. We did not know the battle we were getting ourselves into. Our apartment staff was very helpful in getting some professionals to spray […]

Are daddy long leg spiders poisonous? — Micheil’s student essay

Common daddy-longlegs

Are Daddy Long Leg Spiders Poisonous? To begin, we have to note that there are in fact two separate creatures that are commonly called “daddy long legs”! The first being opilionids arachnids, which has a pill-shaped body and 8 long legs, but not a “true” spider, and the second being a variety of pholcids, which […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Nathan’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Let me tell ya bout the great bee. They are one of thee most important creatures you will ever meet here on the good ol terra firma. They are responsible for a large percentage of the pollinating needed for the earth’s crops to grow.  For example, if you […]