What do ants do during the winter? — Allison’s student essay
What Do Ants Do During The Winter? There is estimated to be around one million ants for every one human in the world, and yet still there is a whole season where it is as if they vanish. Once the temperature drops it is almost as if they die off. But where do they go? […]
What do ants do during the winter? — Emily’s student essay
What Do Ants Do During The Winter? The cold, harsh climate found exclusively in the winter time is a challenge that almost all animals face yearly. However, the frigid air, the roaring snow storms, and even the freezing of most food sources are no match for these animals. They develop various ways to adapt to […]
Where to spray pest control — Nathan’s student essay
Where To Spray Pest Control? Lawn maintenance is an art in and of itself. Someone may spend countless hours in an effort just to keep their outdoor grass as healthy and luscious as humanly possible. But despite their effort to maintain their lawn’s appearance, the bane of these lawn aficionados can wreak havoc on even […]
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Ants — Dane’s student essay
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Ants? We had ants lining our kitchen walls. Streaming in like they were on a mission. It was summer and my mom was freaking out. They were everywhere and although they were on a mission they had no specific destination. We all instantly started cleaning and spraying the ants […]
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Roaches — Alyssa’s student essay
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Roaches? The infuriating roaches are elusive in and out of buildings, hanging out in sewers, and drains are vastly revolting. Investigating a cockroach infestation on your property is a petrified shock. An acknowledgment of their unpleasant habit of associating in the drains and sewers, roaches are well-known transporters of […]
Where to spray pest control — Gabriella’s student essay
Where To Spray Pest Control? There are over a thousand diverse types of insects around the world that can be considered pests. They often tend to be harmful to humans or a contaminant to stored food making controlling their numbers both inside and outside the home crucial. Before jumping right into how to spray for […]
Where to spray pest control — Micah’s student essay
Where To Spray Pest Control? Living in the hot, always sunny desert of Phoenix, Arizona brings many obstacles. From the rapidly changing weather to the multitude of wildlife and critters that one must live along side, living in the city of Phoenix becomes a hassle. Yet as people have done for a millennium, they adapt […]
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Rats — Catherine’s student essay
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Rats? Rats are to here to stay. Rats have traversed the planet for over 50 million years and show no sign of extinction. They are prolific breeders and genetically gifted in their adaptation to harsh conditions. They can breed as early as five weeks old and remain fertile until […]
How are ants born — Cyan’s student essay
How Are Ants Born? Timmy is a growing boy, and he asks his father one day… how are babies born? His father then proceeds to pats his shoulder and invites him to the sofa, to further discuss about the circle of life. His father talks about when a boy and a girl love each other […]
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs — Megan’s student essay
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs? Bed Bugs are a prevalent issue across the globe with approximately 1 in 5 homes being infected. Within the United States alone all 50 states are affected with a concentrated infestation in the Southeast area of the United States reaching upwards of 29% of all U.S. bed […]