Why pest control is important — Briana’s student essay

Why Pest Control Is Important? Pest control is important for a multitude of reasons. The cleanliness of the home, the prevention of damage, and the safety and well-being of your family all hinge on eliminating rodents, vermin, and insects from your household. This is not a matter of inconvenience, but rather a matter of keeping […]
Why pest control is important — Evan’s student essay

Why Pest Control Is Important? Pest control is a key part to growing anything, whether you’re growing an entire field of wheat or just some mint in your backyard garden. Without pest control, plants tend to be heavily affected by pests, especially if it is a non-native plant. Additionally, controlling pests is very important to […]
Will Pest Control Hurt Cats — Carter’s student essay
Will Pest Control Hurt Cats? When considering pest control, many homeowners need to consider how pest control will affect their pets. In the United States, cats are the most common house pet, as there are 86 million pet cats in the U.S. Luckily for cat owners, the majority of pest control treatments do not affect […]
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs — Lila’s student essay
Will Pest Control Get Rid of Bed Bugs? Goodnight, sleep tight! Don’t let the bed bugs bite! But, what if they do? In 2018, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) conducted research on the prevalence of bed bugs in the United States. They found that 50% of people only report bed bugs after finding bites […]
How To Pick A Pest Control Company — Aidan’s student essay
How To Pick A Pest Control Company? Your home is, for lack of a better term, a sacred place. It is where you feel safe, secure, and where you live your life. Not only is your house a home to you, it is the home to the years of memories you have made there. However, […]
What are woodchucks? — Chi’s student essay
What Are Woodchucks? Every year on February 2, people look to a groundhog as it crawls out of its burrow. If the groundhog sees its shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If it doesn’t there will be an early spring. Woodchucks or groundhogs are known for helping people predict when spring will […]
How to get rid of possums in the attic — Connor’s student essay
How To Get Rid Of Possums In The Attic There are many ways to effectively get rid of possums in your attic. If possums are in your attic, which you can usually denote by the smell, the large amount of poop, or scratching noises, there are several tricks to getting rid of the possum. First […]
Opossum vs. possum — Chimare’s student essay
Opossum Vs. Possum When it comes to a pest or animal people tend to think of the negative and beast side of it. Which is not the way to think at all. Animals, pests, and us humans are all one collective species. We are all connected in some shape or form and we deserve to […]
Where bed bugs hide in the home — Arianna’s student essay
Where Bed Bugs Hide In The Home? It is common as a child to hear someone say “Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” but are you sure that bed bugs are only hiding in your bed? Bed Bugs did not randomly appear in your bed sheets or underneath your mattress, they had […]
Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Harsh’s student essay
Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Scientists have been making a good endeavor to figure out why the honey bee is evaporating, as its perseverance may be essential for the whole of our destinies. The dreadful little creature is imperative for treatment, and is a huge bit of our current circumstance, anyway settlement breakdown […]