What are woodchucks? — Jalon’s student essay


What Are Woodchucks? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? This riddle has been around for a longtime, usually teachers in most elementary schools would introduce this riddle. However, to solve this ask What is a woodchuck?” “How do they chuck wood?” “Where are they found?” Woodchucks or (scientifically […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Sergio’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Bees have played a significant role in pollinating the flowers and crops in our world. Without them we probably would lose a drastic amounts of produce in our crops such as the fruit and vegetables we need in our everyday life.  Sometimes during the pollination process, an insect […]

Which spiders in the U.S. are venomous? — Aurora’s student essay

Spider on the web, spider building a web

Which Spiders in The U.S Are Venomous? Venomous Spiders in The United States In the United States, there are only three venomous spiders. While many other spiders in the United States can deliver a painful bite, the Black Widow, Brown Recluse, and the Hobo spider are the only ones considered venomous. Each spider has its […]

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in the U.S. — Zoe’s student essay

Top Mosquito-Borne illnesses in The U.S Mosquitos are some of the most disliked pests known to man. They take your blood and make you itchy in the process. While this is annoying, mosquitoes can spread diseases as well, which is much more dangerous. The mosquito does this by carrying the disease and transmitting it to […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Samantha’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? Did you know there are over 20,000 bees all over the world? Bees help strengthen our ecosystems and generate natural resources by helping plants reproduce. Many people may not know but bees are vital to not just humans but other animals and if they went extinct our world […]

Why ticks are so dangerous to humans and pets — Nicolas’s student essay

Tick - parasitic arachnid blood-sucking carrier of various disea

Why Ticks Are So Dangerous To Humans And Pets? Ticks can be very annoying and dangerous pests. They wait for you while staying in a position called questing. This position involves them using their 3rd and 4th pairs of legs to hold onto leaves or grass and having their 1st pair of legs extended, waiting […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Oscar’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? The question is not why bees are important to the ecosystem. I would better ask: Why are bees key to the existence of human beings and our world as we know it today? Simply because bees are necessary to produce the crops that currently supply 90% of the […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Esraa’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? The important role bees play in the ecosystem cannot be overstated. Bees are pollinators, so they are responsible for pollinating the fruits, vegetables, and crops that humans and other animals rely on for sustenance. Additionally, by pollinating plants, bees help to maintain and enhance the biodiversity of an […]

How to keep deer from eating your flowers — Micheline’s student essay

How To Keep Deer From Eating Your Flowers You may not know this, but we are at war with the cutest enemy possible. As a resident of the New Jersey Pinelands, I can confidently say I’ve witnessed my fair share of deer as they massacre my grandmother’s moonflowers.  They are so brazen. They boldly munch […]

Why bees are important for the ecosystem — Saloni’s student essay

Bee close up. Bees at the bee hive. Swarm of bees

Why Bees Are Important For The Ecosystem? About three-fourths to an inch of a creature, how important could they bee? The answer is – tremendously important. Bees, although seem insignificant to many, are surprisingly beneficial to many species including many animals as well as humans.  Ecosystems have several layers to it, from primary to tertiary […]